Thursday, January 13, 2011

Luna Maya: "Everybody deserves a second chance"

"I describe myself as a simple, moody, forgiving, and workaholic person"

Life is a test. That's what Luna Maya is experiencing now. At the pinnacle of her career, the 27 years-old hit by the 2010 most scandalous event.

Rise and shine

Owing to the case, Luna Maya turned in-absentia for about five months, however with a new spirit she returns to the showbiz -and not just stop right there.

"There was one point where I feel crying over the spilled milk is useless. I kept thinking that no one could beat me. And here I am," states Luna firmly.

The Christian Louboutin affeccionado admits at the time she has to focus on the problem that's strangled herself, and try to be strong although it doesn't mean that she can always be strong.

But as a tough woman Luna knew what she had to do. "I go to Bali sometimes, go back home, doing nothing, go to the beach, breakfast with friends, chat and spend time with my nieces," she says.

Traveling is one of her hobbies, besides hanging out in her favorite mall. "I'm a mall kid...hahaha," she laughs.

The case of Luna Maya and Ariel is still considered the high commercial news story for local media. She admits feeling worn out by the exploitation of herself because sometimes they don't tell the truth. Does she ever feel traumatic?

"It is traumatic and disappointed, but all I can do is just swallowing them. Now I became more selective and aware of my speaking," she answers.

Today Luna Maya is back to the small screen and with Oka Antara plays in high-rated stripping FTV. In addition to that, she's also filming a musical drama with Dewi Sandra. In fact, Luna is eying the music (again).

Having one single called "Play" with Dewi Sandra and Sandra Dewi in 2008, and a duet with Hijau Daun band in 2009, Luna was confident enough to release a mini album called Perjalanan (Journey).

"It's about sad love story. The songs represent the writer, precisely," she grins.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

"It's not easy to face people who insult you, look down on you and corner you, but I see it all as a test of life and I have to graduate," she says.

Luna feels all that has happened to her just makes her stronger. And she feels grateful that she's still able to sleep and eat well. "I thankful for the lesson of life that I've got. I still survive."

In 2011 Luna has prepared some plans, including a film production where she will take the producer and director chair. (Last November she produced one indie movie called 'Nathalie's Instinct'). In addition to that, she's spreading her clothing line LM For Hardware to Bali and also getting serious in a trading business.

The beauty admits feeling lucky for many people still want to lend her a hand. However, the most important thing in 2011 for her is introspection and self deconstruction -a change to be a better person, which is not as easy as turning your palm.

"I hope the problem I'm facing now becomes a lesson for everyone else as well," she echos her wish.

Talking about image, the green eyes states she doesn't need sympathy from people over her matter. She also lets go the unfair news about her. "At least, give us a second chance, everybody deserves it," she says.

Grazia, Jan, 2011

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