Agnes Monica and director David Lehre

on the filming set, with choreo-art director Tricia Miranda
more from filming set
with the crews after filming the MV
Agnes Monica is ready to make you paralyzed with her upcoming music video.
As we learned previously, the young diva has been seen in LA since early February to record her first international album. Wild guess, she might pick her brand new current single for international release, but we can't still confirm yet whether or not it's the Paralyzed this MV shot referes to.
Note: Here in Indonesia Paralyzed has been ruling several radio charts and she had made Paralyzed music video too for Indonesian market.
For this video, Agnes Monica is working with director/MTV host David Lehre, choreographer/artistic director Tricia Miranda, and Makeup/Hair artist Dennis DeSantis Pavy.
Tricia Miranda has been working with big names such as the likes of N'Sync, Destiny's Child, and Black Eyed Peas.
Agnes wore 10 different wardrobes for the clip. It only took 1 day to finish the shooting.
Before the day of shooting, Agnes rehearsed her dance move with Tricia Miranda early on February. Here's the video:
Agnes Monica Dance Rehearsal in LA with Tricia Miranda Day 1
Besides Tricia, Agnes also rehearsed her moves with another famous choreographer Ellen Kim.
Agnes Monica - Ellen Kim (dance rehearsal in LA)
Also in LA, Agnes Monica works her vocal out with the legendary singing coach Seth Rigg. Natalie Cole, Stevie Wonder, David Archuleta, Josh Groban, Ray Charles, Barbara Streisand, Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, and Madonna are some of the few he's been coaching.
Agnes Monica-Seth Riggs
Agnes is working on her new album in LA with US musicians/producers such as Tearcekizzo, H2OLife, Justin Truggman, and Corey Chorus.
Very busy, huh? Well despite her hectic schedule, Agnes got to spare her time to say hello to her Indonesian fans and shared her latest news. For those who missed Agnes Monica live chat from LA on Feb.20, here's the video:
But if you think she's there just for the album, I suppose Agnes Monica and Christian Chavez should remind you again that they're up for The Webby Awards 2011. Check this video out:
And she joined American Music Awards Red Carpet Hosts 2010 Reunion as well on Feb.15, 2011.
(L-to-R) Mike C Manning, Stuart Brazell, Christian Chavez, Agnes Monica, and The Kingqueen
Photos cr. @agnezmo, @christiancha, @_triciamiranda, @DavidLehre, @Mauika_Lecole on twitter
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