With so many articles of our heartthrobs, I could not resist to look back the piles and think what I would do to remind myself why I've liked them. As time passed by, I've gotta admit that I came to like most of these people more, and several less.
Since I love quotes so much, I came to the idea of compiling positive words they have uttered in the articles. Some exactly describes who they are, their personalities, and some are their own words that actually represent the wisdom of genuine stars.
As much as I love their personalities, I can't post all the heartthrobs' quotes right up here. Apart from time-consuming task and large file, it's because the interviews are mostly in narrative rather than direct speech/utter.
So there you go. Let's get them on in alphabetical order.
Since I love quotes so much, I came to the idea of compiling positive words they have uttered in the articles. Some exactly describes who they are, their personalities, and some are their own words that actually represent the wisdom of genuine stars.
As much as I love their personalities, I can't post all the heartthrobs' quotes right up here. Apart from time-consuming task and large file, it's because the interviews are mostly in narrative rather than direct speech/utter.
So there you go. Let's get them on in alphabetical order.
"I need someone who can be my friend to share everything without having the feeling of dependent. When that feeling occurs, things go wrong beyond our expectation." - Adinia Wirasti, actress
“Your future does not depend on what others can do or think about you. Impossible is impossible, that’s what I learned from The Bible."
Dream, believe, and make it happens." - Agnes Monica, singer/songwriter/actress
"We're all human, we all make mistakes. But that doesn't mean we forget. It's about being tolerant." - Anggun, singer/songwriter
"I believe there's a psychological explanation behind every character with a negative image, no matter how negative the image is." - Atiqah Hasiholan, actress/stage actress
Cathy Sharon
Choky Sitohang
"I may not be smart, but I'm willing to learn and work hard" - Cathy Sharon, presenter/actress
Choky Sitohang
"Try reflecting good things that happened to you. Ponder the sweet things, plant positivity in your heart, and there oozes your strength." -Choky Sitohang, presenter/host
"The maturity of a man is measured by his way of making every decision or taking stand on a situation by thinking about other people around him. Thus, the orientation of his decision is not merely about himself." - Christian Sugiono, actor
"I can't change the older generation, but I know I'm a public figure who can have a positive influence on the younger generation." - Daniel Mananta, host/designer
"I never say never, because I end up doing it anyway."
"I'm inspired by life, the good and the bad. When I see bad, I try to do better. When good, I'm inspired to be better." - Dewi Sandra, singer/presenter
"The definition of being an actress is very limiting for me. I would like to define myself more as something that's limitless."
"I believe I'm growing as a whole human being. Acting is my vehicle. People put a label on me and think that this is all I am. That's a big no-no." - Dian Sastrowardoyo, actress
"The most important thing about being sensual for a woman is that you need to stay elegant. It's an art to be sultry and sensuous." - Dominique Diyose, model
"As I did more creative writing, I realized that words can change the world through the human heart, as opposed to public policies or legal arguments." - Edward Gunawan, model/actor/director/writer
"To tell the future is to see how we're living our life at this moment." - Fahrani, model/actress
"I don't know what your definition of art film is, but to me, it has to have educational value, communicate to audiences and be acceptable in any sense, without sacrificing the art of the filmmaking itself." - Julie Estelle, actress
"God will never give us something, unless for something better and honest. I don't feel shortcoming compare to people who have issues, nor do I better-off to those who don't." - Luna Maya, actress/presenter
"Education is a luxury. It's a life experience." - Mariana Renata, model/actress
"I don't feel having a weakness. THAT's my weakness.""Life is not worth living if you can't be happy." - Mike Lewis, actor
"I'm not an actor, I'm just a performer. It's not that I want to be different, just what I want now is different from what people do."
"Adventure should grasp the sense of it, try new things and embrace other people's world." - Nicholas Saputra, actor/presenter

"If you find yourself in a failing situation, don't ever let it frustrate you and haunt you and bring you down. But take it as a good lesson so you can be more prepared for the next round." - Nino Fernandez, actor
"I suppose if we want to get success we must dare to take different path and accelerate faster than anyone else." - Sandra Dewi, actress/presenter
"Human makes flaws. Don't take yourself hard when yo do wrong. It just makes yourself feel even more difficult." - Sherina, singer/songwriter
"There are two kinds of criticism. I'm willing to admit constructive criticisms no matter how trashy they are. Subjective criticism based on a prejudice toward my personality is not one that I would take seriously." - Vino G. Bastian, actor
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